My Acre of Africa

My Acre of Africa

With venerated former President of South Africa – Nelson Mandela – as Patron Emeritus, My Acre of Africa is an inspiring and unique nature conservation and environmental education funding initiative. The My Acre of Africa Trust is being revitalized and relaunched with the aim of providing top quality environmental education facilities and intensive learning programs to educate future generations of school learners. My Acre of Africa is inspired and propelled by the premise that we need to initiate immediate interventions to educate our children to care for and to value our bountiful natural world, to involve each one of them in the preservation of our magnificent, but endangered natural legacy.
By financing and funding My Acre of Africa, you are empowering one of the world’s potentially foremost conservation initiatives, to engender future generations who will prioritize the sustainability of our richly biodiverse and precious natural heritage.
My Acre of Africa is now wholly owned by, and is an imperative future project of, the Guardian Angel Wildlife and Marine Trust NPO.

With former South African President, Nelson Mandela, as Patron Emeritus, My Acre of Africa is a worldwide fundraising initiative for southern African wildlife and nature conservation through environmental education. My Acre of Africa aims to protect, preserve and conserve the region’s wildlife and wild lands for future generations.
Nelson Mandela called upon globally concerned citizens to join him in support of the project, which still stands as a living legacy. Developed in association with the South African National Parks Board, My Acre of Africa aims to raise a significant self-perpetuating Endowment Fund of
ZAR3.5 billion that, through interest earned on the capital base, will provide ongoing finance for vital southern African biodiversity conservation projects.
My Acre of Africa’s vision is to engage the hearts and inspire the minds of people the world over, to act immediately to ensure the survival of Africa’s wildlife treasury – an irreplaceable legacy held by Africa for the benefit of the world. My Acre of Africa particularly endorses the nurturing of new generations of youth who understand the importance of living in harmony with, rather than in competition with, the natural world.
My Acre of Africa’s mission is to enhance the long-term sustainability of southern Africa’s diverse natural wildlife heritage by creating a globally- funded Endowment Fund geared towards supplementing and financing depleted nature conservation budgets through innovative education initiatives for children.
Strategic Objectives​​
Ecotourism promotion -
Environmental education -
Job creation -
Local community upliftment
Conservation of Natural History sites
Proposed Projects​
Experiential environmental learning programs
​Biodiversity maintenance projects
Extension of protected areas
Preservation of endangered species
Advancement of anti-poaching interventions
Wild animal disease research and control
Wildlife translocation
Rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems
Conservation-linked community projects
My Acre of Africa will provide top-quality environmental education facilities and intensive learning programmes to educate tens of thousands of school learners. We cannot expect our children to care about our world’s natural environment if we do not teach them its value and involve each one of them in preserving our critically endangered heritage.